ONE OF US – the national anti-stigma program in Denmark.
The objective of ONE OF US is to reduce stigma related to mental illness in Denmark. Our vision is a society with no more discrimination and exclusion of people who have or have had a mental illness. “No more silence, doubt and taboo about (around) mental illness” summarizes our determination.
ONE OF US has national, regional and local activities within five target areas which are: professionals in the health and social sectors, service users and relatives, young people, the labour market, and the public and the media. An important part of the program is a large corps of ambassadors with lived experience of mental illness and who are trained in sharing their experience with many different target groups.
ONE OF US started in 2011 and spent the first 10 years as a partnership consisting of public and private organizations within the field of mental health. 1. August 2021 ONE OF US became an integrated part of The Danish Health Authority.
Most of the program material is in Danish but we do have a subsite with some English material.


Anja Kare Vedelsby Project Manager, ONE OF US
Louise Hornbøll Project Coordinator, ONE OF US