Na rovinu
Na rovinu is part of the ongoing nationwide reform of psychiatric care in the Czech Republic. The main goals of Na rovinu are to lower stigma of people with mental illness and to raise awareness about mental health in general.
These goals are primarily achieved through organizing interactive seminars on topics of stigma, mental illness and mental health. Seminars are tailored for several target groups based on need analysis. In years 2017-2021 target groups were these:
– people with experience of mental illness
– family members of people with experience of mental illness
– health care professionals
– social workers
– civil servants
– general public communities
Festival Na hlavu
Festival Na hlavu is popularizing mental health topics and its research, and is also focusing on psychiatric and psychological care. All these are presented to the audience in form of movies and accompanying discussions, workshops or theatre plays. Festival takes place annually, 2021 it was the 5th edition. Na rovinu is one of the main organizers of the festival. is a website focused on evidence-based mental health self-care tips and information. It emphasizes the importance of mental health self-care as preventive means to keep optimal well-being. It provides orientation in terms of how to support oneself mental health, and where to seek professional help. Website is also in English and Russian. Na rovinu cooperated on creating this website.
Týdny duševního zdraví (Weeks of Mental Health)
‘Weeks of Mental Health’ is an annual campaign to promote mental health topics amongst the general public and give voice to people with mental illness. A broad spectrum of programming offers movie screenings, debates, exhibitions and lectures, and is happening all over Czech Republic. Na rovinu is the main coordinator of ‘Weeks of Mental Health’.