The National Mental Health Commission monitors and reports on investment in mental health and suicide prevention initiatives, provides evidence based policy advice to Government and disseminates information on ways to continuously improve Australia’s mental health and …

batyr is a for purpose preventative mental health organization, created and driven by young people, for young people. Our vision is for all young people to be engaged in positive conversations about mental health and …

SANE Australia is a national mental health charity dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of people affected by complex mental health issues through support, research and …

Opening Minds is the largest systematic effort in Canadian history focused on reducing stigma related to mental illness. Established by the Mental Health Commission of Canada in 2009, it seeks to …

Czech Republic
Na rovinu is part of the ongoing nationwide reform of psychiatric care in the Czech Republic. The main goals of Na rovinu are to lower stigma of people with mental illness and to …

ONE OF US – the national anti-stigma program in Denmark. The objective of ONE OF US is to reduce stigma related to mental illness in Denmark. Our vision is a society with no more discrimination and exclusion of people who …

Sue has worked to de-stigmatise mental health for over 25 years in the UK, New Zealand, and globally. She set up the Time to Change campaign in England in 2007 that has led to …

HOng kong
Mind Hong Kong (Mind HK) is a registered S88 charity (91/16471) committed to improving awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. Mind HK collaborates with other local and …

See Change is Ireland’s National Mental Health Stigma Reduction Partnership working to change minds about mental health problems in Ireland. Our vision is that of an Ireland where every person has an open and …

We are a mental health ecosystem investment accelerator organization. We believe by investing in our communities. Kenya will employ an approach that builds on indigenous cultural resources and innovative models developed via …

Basic Needs Basic Rights Kenya (BNBR Kenya) is a registered national Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that intervenes in mental health. Our main purpose is to …

Bravo is a social enterprise with the intrepid goal of overcoming Mental Health stigma in Mexico by starting positive conversations and normalizing being OK with not being OK, and asking for help.

New Zealand
Nōku te Ao Like Minds is a public awareness programme that aims to increase social inclusion and end discrimination towards people with experience of mental illness or distress. We do this through public awareness campaigns, community projects and …

See Me is Scotland’s national programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. See Me has been leading anti-stigma work in Scotland since 2002. Starting out as a campaign to challenge attitudes around mental illness, it has adapted over time to become a multi-layered programme focusing on system, culture and …

Fundación Mundo Bipolar is the only national organization of people with lived experience in mental health. Since our birth in 2004, we have promoted activities led by people with psychological disabilities or who have or had mental health problems.
Our objective is the real, significant and active participation of our collective. We also develop initiatives jointly with other agents related to the field of mental health.

3 Salut Mental is the alliance of Gira-Sol, Es Garrover and Estel de Llevant, three non-profit social entities which work with people who have mental health disorders. Our programme ‘Obertament Balears’ fights against social stigmas from …
The goal of Obertament is to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in Catalonia through making people with lived experience of mental health issues become protagonists of change. We focus on four targeted areas: education, health, employment and the media.

The Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes was founded in 2004. Its objective is to make a contribution to the improvement and promotion of mental health programmes worldwide. …