See Me
See Me is Scotland’s national programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.
See Me has been leading anti-stigma work in Scotland since 2002. Starting out as a campaign to challenge attitudes around mental illness, it has adapted over time to become a multi-layered programme focusing on system, culture and behaviour change at individual, community and socio-cultural levels.
The programme is funded by Scottish Government, guided by people with lived experience and managed by Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and the Mental Health Foundation.
See Me looks to create change in some key settings. Through communications, campaigns, policy and public affairs we look to influence change at a large scale. We work in communities and with priority groups, identifying and engaging with people at greatest risk of experiencing mental health stigma and discrimination. In this we work with priority populations, our volunteer network, and connect with local partner organizations.
We also focus on priority settings, these are settings where people experience greatest levels of stigma and discrimination, including workplaces, education and young people and health and social care.
See Me works towards achieving the Scottish Government’s commitment to creating ‘a Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from stigma and discrimination’.